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August 5, 1982 the Southeast Arkansas Board of Realtors® was filed as a non-profit corporation. The registering agency was listed as Henderson Realty, McGehee, AR.


Bylaws for the Southeast Arkansas Board of Realtors, Inc. states the jurisdiction of the board to be: Ashley, Lincoln, Desha, Drew, Chicot, Bradley counties in Arkansas.

Towns within those counties with potential members would include:

Ashley: Hamburg, Crossett

Bradley: Warren, Hermitage

Chicot: Lake Village

Desha: McGehee, Arkansas City, Dumas

Drew: Monticello, Dermott, New Hope

Lincoln: Star City, Gould, Grady

For many years Monticello has been the “central meeting site” for the members of this local board. Unless otherwise notified, a noon luncheon meeting is held on the first Wednesday of each the Monticello Country Club.

For additional information, contact Kay Lawrence, CEO.

e-mail: or voice mail 870-540-6439

Not Every Real Estate Licensee is a REALTOR®.

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